来自 行业新闻 2020-06-20 21:36 的文章

颜值高的“牛剑”教父吴昊空降天行 解读最新留学趋势并进行大数据分析

    【慧聪教育网】截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到97份预录取通知书(含9份直录)。其中英国48份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国6份,加拿大3份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。 TEENSEN tag : 标签 天行创世纪学校的tag有—— K12国际化学校 (含小学部、中学部、高中部) 占地面积150亩 总建筑面积4万平方米 总投资2.8亿元 坐落于梅岭国家森林公园 优质A-Level课程 小班化教学 国际理解教育 多元升学通道 温馨舒适住宿 …… The tags of Teensen Genesis School are as follows K-12 International School (including the elementary school, junior high school, high school and ) Covers an area of 150 mu Total construction area of 40,000 square meters A total investment of 280 million yuan Located in Meiling National Forest Park High-quality A-Level courses Teaching by small-sized classes International Understanding Education Variety of pathways to enter schools Warm and comfortable accommodation …… tag数不尽 但是 只有走进来 亲眼见 亲耳闻 才能真正了解这所学校 The tags are countless But Only if you comes To see with your own eyes and to hear with your own ears Can you know more details about this school 5月24日,我们开启了2020年首场线下接待日活动,吸引了上百名家长和学生前来参加。活动现场,人气爆棚、座无虚席,就连追加在过道的小板凳也全部被坐满。但仍有不少家长遗憾未能参会,因此,我们将在6月21日(本周日)在新校园内(湾里区七彩路499号)开启第二场线下校园接待日。 On May 24th, we opened the first offline open day event in 2020, attracting hundreds of parents and students. At the event site, the popularity was overwhelming and the seats were full. Even the small benches added to the aisle were filled. However, there are still many parents who regret to fail to attend the meeting. Therefore, we will open our second campus open day on June 21 (this Sunday) in our new campus (No. 499, Qi Cai Road, Wanli District) .

颜值高的“牛剑”教父吴昊空降天行 解读最新留学趋势并进行大数据分析

颜值高的“牛剑”教父吴昊空降天行 解读最新留学趋势并进行大数据分析

▲5月24日校园接待日实况 6月21日(星期日) 下午两点 天行创世纪学校 校园接待日预约 已启动 On June 21st Two o’clock in the afternoon The appointment of the Campus Open Day of Teesen Genesis School Has already started

颜值高的“牛剑”教父吴昊空降天行 解读最新留学趋势并进行大数据分析

TEENSEN 报名方式 扫描二维码

颜值高的“牛剑”教父吴昊空降天行 解读最新留学趋势并进行大数据分析

开放日二维码.jpg 曾老师19179196296 重量级大咖、“牛剑”教父吴昊惊艳亮相 除了提前一览山水校园风光、了解天行特色及招生政策等外,此次接待日,颜值最高的“牛剑”教父、唯寻国际教育的创始人——吴昊Howe将空降活动现场,为大家分享最新的留学趋势及大数据分析,解读疫情下的机遇与转机。 In addition to taking in the landscape of the campus in advance, understanding the characteristics of Teensen and our admission policies, Wu Hao (Howe), the fashionable godfather of "Oxford and Cambridge" and the founder of Weixun International Education, will parachute into the event site to share the latest overseas study trend and big data analysis, and interpret the opportunities under the epidemic situation. 吴昊Howe是牛津大学数学与统计专业学士、硕士;欧洲注明商学院ESADE国际管理硕士,其创办的唯寻国际教育是来自上海和北京的顶尖国际课程辅导机构。2020年,中国学生共收获225封牛津剑桥offer,其中113封出自唯寻,成为当之无愧的“牛剑”教父。此外,天行是江西省内与唯寻国际教育达成唯一战略伙伴的学校。唯寻国际教育将携手天行从学术探讨、教师培训、升学保障、因材施教四个方面打造顶级国际学校样板。 Wu Hao (Howe) holds both a bachelor degree and a master degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Oxford; and he is also a graduate student major in international management from ESADE, a well-known European business school. Weixun international education, the company he founded is a top international curriculum tutoring institution in Shanghai and Beijing. In 2020, the students in the mainland received 225 offers from Oxford and Cambridge, of which 113 offers came from Weixun. And it helps Howe to become well-deserved godfather of "Oxford and Cambridge". Besides, Teensen is the only strategic partner school with Weixun International Education in Jiangxi Province . Wei Xun will work with us to build a top-level international school model from four aspects: academic seminars, teacher training, guarantee for further education, and individualized teaching. 少年们 希望与你们相聚天行创世纪 觉春风 听夏蝉 赏秋叶 观冬雪 超越你预见的未来 Teenagers Hope to be with you in Teensen Genesis School Feeling the spring breeze Listening the voice of summer cicadas Enjoying the autumn leaves Watching the winter snow Beyond your expectations

颜值高的“牛剑”教父吴昊空降天行 解读最新留学趋势并进行大数据分析