来自 趣事 2019-06-23 15:09 的文章

关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女



关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女

Queen Elizabeth II might be the most private public figure in the world.伊丽莎白二世女王可能是世界上最注重隐私的公众人物。

She's been on the throne for 65 years and has become one of the most recognizable faces on the planet — but she rarely speaks about herself and never grants interviews with the media. Lots of people know her only for her stern poker face and her dazzling collection of hats.她已在位65年,是世界上最知名的人物之一,但是她很少谈论自己,也从不接受媒体采访。很多人只知道她有一张严肃的扑克脸,还有许多令人眼花缭乱的帽子。

There's more to the sovereign than her public appearance, of course. Here are 26 fascinating things you might not have known about Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in the world.当然,除了公开亮相外,这位世界上在位时间最长的女王还有很多你不知道的事情。下面就是关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣事。

She never went to school.女王从没上过学。

关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女

But that doesn't mean she's not educated. Elizabeth (childhood nickname: "Lilibet") was taught by private tutors at home. Same goes for her younger sister, Princess Margaret.但这不是说她没有受过教育。伊丽莎白(童年昵称“Lilibet”)在家中接受私人教育。她的妹妹玛格丽特公主也是如此。


She and her sister once partied incognito in the streets of London.女王和妹妹曾隐瞒身份在伦敦街头狂欢。

关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女

Elizabeth and Margaret got their parents' permission to join the massive crowds celebrating the end of World War II on May 8, 1945. The queen has recalled the evening as one of the most memorable in her life.1945年5月8日,伊丽莎白和玛格丽特获得了父母的同意,与群众一起庆祝第二次世界大战结束。女王回忆称,那是她生命里最难忘的一夜。

"I remember lines of unknown people linking arms and walking down Whitehall, all of us just swept along on a tide of happiness and relief," she said in 1985, according to the BBC.据BBC1985年的报道,女王说:“我记得那天,互不认识的人们沿着白厅手挽手前进,我们所有人都被轻松幸福的浪潮推着向前走。”


Her tiara snapped on her wedding day.婚礼当天,女王的头饰坏了。

关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女

The court jeweler had to be summoned immediately to repair the diamond tiara, but it was successfully patched up in time for the ceremony.宫廷珠宝商立刻被召来,修补钻石头饰,最后在仪式开始前成功修好。


She's actually related to the man she married.女王实际上和她的丈夫有亲戚关系。

关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女

Technically, Elizabeth and her husband Philip are third cousins. Elizabeth is related to Queen Victoria on her father's side, and Philip is related to Queen Victoria on his mother's side.严格来说,女王与丈夫菲利普是第三代表亲。伊丽莎白的父亲是维多利亚女王的后代,而菲利普的母亲也是维多利女王的后代。

Philip was born into the royal families of Greece and Denmark, but renounced his original titles when he married Elizabeth. They've now been together for 70 years.菲利普出生在希腊和丹麦王室家庭,但在与伊丽莎白结婚时,放弃了原来的头衔。他们如今已经在一起70年了。


She celebrates her birthday twice a year.女王每年过两次生日。

关于伊丽莎白二世的26件趣闻 原来你是这样的女

The queen's real birthday is April 21, but the country doesn't officially celebrate until June 11.女王真正的生日是4月21日,但其官方寿辰是6月11日。

Monarchs with birthdays in colder months typically schedule an additional, official birthday when the weather is likely to be better for a parade. Elizabeth has one every June.生日在较寒冷月份的君主通常会在天气更适宜的月份安排一个额外的官方生日,那时天气可能更适合进行游行。伊丽莎白每年六月份都会庆祝官方生日。