来自 趣事 2020-09-02 14:04 的文章


��面编辑将带大家一睹新品展览的精彩瞬间。三里屯万宝龙概念店不仅是中国地区,也是全球范围内大的一家精品店。总共四层的奢华空间内,融合划时代的尖端互动科技和创意设计,展现万宝龙全线产品的至臻工艺和不凡 �见。万宝龙HomagetoNicolasRieussecII单按钮计时码表表壳以不锈钢打造,直径43毫米,精致而优雅。搭载品牌Villeret工坊自制MBR200自动上弦机械机芯,配备双发条盒与72小时动力存储,并设有日期、第二时区及昼夜显示功能,发

��的独特魅力,必将吸引挑剔的哈罗德顾客瞩目。(图文手表维修网)精工首家高级精品专卖店盛大开幕王力宏现身助阵 �他左臂上的五星纹身寓意相同。值得一提的是,1100秒计时码表搭载了万宝龙自主研发的高性能MBM6625机芯,将创新机械结构和百年制表工艺完美融合。另外,特别款腕表都刻有林丹亲笔签名,除1100秒计时码表镌刻于表圈外,�




��森的制表师此次专程来到北京,未到场媒体开设制表课堂,指点表迷探索机芯的玄妙,体验制表艺术的严谨精密,分享品牌制表工艺。安装的机芯为万国制表课堂专用手动上链机芯,品牌并没有将此机芯投入到表款中。 �迷们的倾心,从今年的全线新品来看,沛纳海不论从机芯的研发、材质的创新还是复杂功能的设计上,都凸显出品牌在专业制表技艺上的提升和努力,当然也从中看到了沛纳海未来的发展和方向。(图文手表维修网付丽艳)1




集团后,涉足零售业您觉得困难的是什么?蔡加赞先生:投资零售业务,是集团发展的其中一个重要里程碑。因为做零售除了货品,还有销售人员、地点及推广等元素,每一环都紧紧相扣,所以做决定前要考虑得� �盘上方,宛如一轮新月悬于空中,正折射出柔和的自然光晕。其精妙之处还在于:万宝龙通过丰富的想象力,为十二个满月分别命以专属名字,使得月份的显示充满诗意情怀,月相则显示在6点位置的视窗中。宝曦昼夜显示系� 的既有高端制表品牌,又有小众品牌。入围评选名单即是获得阶段性胜利,但考虑到这仅仅是第一阶段,相对而言其重要性要打个折扣。今年的评委团由全球杰出的的钟表记者和收藏家组成,他们将为每个类别选出6枚�


Lemania是著名的机芯开发公司,曾经是SSIH(SWATCH前身)可以抗衡ASUAG的法宝,搭载在OMEGA SPEEDMASTER上登上月球,后被宝玑收购,开始成为宝玑御用芯厂不再外供机芯,宝玑被SWATCH收购后Lemania又重回SWATCH集团。
1884 年,制表工匠Alfred Lugrin在瑞士双子谷的L'Orient创立了自己的机芯制作工坊,定名为Lugrin公司。Alfred Lugrin在19世纪70年发出计时机芯和两问报时机芯,专利被浪琴买走,成为浪琴旗下计时表之滥觞。Alfred的哥哥Henry则在19世纪 60年代赴纽约发展,成为美国制表业的奠基人之一。下图为Lugrin公司19世纪末期的怀表产品,因兄弟俩的早期卓越贡献,Lugrin怀表在国际收藏 界也是有一定“粉丝量”的。
1930年,A.Lugrin的女婿Marius Meylan接管公司,并更名为Lemania,是借用著名的勒芒湖(Lake Leman)之名,冀望于公司能成为泛日内瓦地区机芯制作的强者。1932年瑞士国有钟表集团SSIH成立时,Lemania被吸收合并,因此与欧米茄和 天梭成为了同一集团下的兄弟单位,也因此展开了更密切的合作。Lemania的首席设计师Albert Piquet在1942年拿出一款震惊表坛的27-CHRO-12机芯,被欧米茄学习和吸收,后来成为1946年著名的Cal.321欧米茄机芯,也成为后来1957年欧米茄的知名系列SpeedMaster(超霸)系列开山之作中搭载的机芯。而321这串数字也一直流传至今,很多超霸表的产 品序列号仍然是以321开头的。
1967年,Lemania又推出了著名的1873机芯,这款机芯是在27-CHRO-12机芯基础上改进的。而欧米茄则在1873的基础上开发出了欧 米茄861机芯,成为超霸系列的新“心脏”。这款1873,是当年的明星产品,百年灵,汉米尔顿,宝齐莱等很多品牌都在Lemania1873的基础上开发出了自己的计时运动系列产品线。
SSIH在80年代初因行业危机所迫,把Lemania股权变卖给企业管理层,变身为Nouvelle(法语:新) Lemania公司,自此游离于“体制外”达十年之久。1982年,Nouvelle Lemania与伯爵公司一起收购了豪雅的前身Heuer,开启了两家的短暂蜜月期,这期间Lemania的机芯在豪雅80%左右的产品线上得到广泛应用,这个时期的豪雅表也成为收藏界单独的一个品类——豪雅/Lemania。在同一时期,也有很多豪雅的表款以Lemania品牌的名义大规模制作出来。1985年,Heuer的股权被卖给了一家来自中东的投资公司TAG,终止了与Lemania的密切合作,也奠定了现在豪雅——TAG Heuer品牌的诞生。后来豪雅又被LVMH集团纳入囊中,这就是后话了。短短三年多的合作,留下了一些经典产品,这款奥迪运动轿车定制版的卡雷拉,就是在5100机芯上开发的,Lemania和豪雅分别做了一款产品,只是豪雅把12点位置的24小时表盘给去掉了。
中东投资公司Investcorp于 1987年从法国政府手中收购了宝玑品牌,改制为宝玑制表集团(GHB)。到了1992年,GHB又全资收购了Nouvelle Lemania。1999年,斯沃琪集团全资收购GHB,从而使得Lemania又成为斯沃琪集团下的企业。斯沃琪集团当时的董事长Nicholas Hayek把Lemania的一些中低端产品线并入了ETA体系下,不再对斯沃琪集团外供应,比如Lemania5100就改成了ETA C01.211,目前天梭品牌的运动表。而Lemania的高端产品线则成为Manufacture Breguet(宝玑制表)的一部分,变成了宝玑品牌内部的机芯研发部门。
Lemania is the famous movement development company, once was Ssih (Swatch pdecessor) can contend Asuag magic weapon, carries on the Omega Speedmaster to ascend the moon, after was Breguet the purchase, began to become Breguet Queen Core Factory no longer outside for the movement, Breguet was swatch after the purchase Lemania again back Swatch Group.
1884, the watchmaker Alfred Lugrin in the Swiss twin valley of L ' Orient created his own movement workshop, named Lugrin Company. Alfred Lugrin in the 1870s to develop the timing of the movement and the two-time movement, the patent was bought by the wave harp, the beginning of the time table. Alfred's brother Henry, who went to New York in the 1860s, became one of the founders of the American watchmaking industry. The following figure is Lugrin company in the late 19th century pocket watch products, because the two brothers early outstanding contribution, Lugrin pocket watch in the international collection is also a certain "fan volume."
In 1930, a. Lugrin son-in-law Marius Meylan took over the company and renamed it Lemania, the famous Le Mans Lake Leman, in the hope that the company can become the pan-Geneva movement of the strong. When Ssih, the Swiss state-owned watch group, was founded in 1932, Lemania was absorbed and merged, so it became a brother unit under the same group with Omega and the shuttle, and it also cooperated more closely. Lemania's chief architect, Albert Piquet, in 1942, took out a shocking 27-Chro 12 movements, learned and absorbed by Omega, and later became the 1946 famous Cal. 321 Omega Movement,
It also became the movement of the famous series of Speedmaster (Super PA) of the 1957 Omega. And 321 of these numbers have been circulating so far, many of the Super Watch product serial number is still beginning with 321.
In 1967, Lemania launched the famous 1873 movement, which was improved on the basis of the 27-Chro 12 movement. Omega, on 1873 basis, developed the Omega 861 movement to become the new "heart" of the Super Series. This 1873, is the year's star products, hundred years Ling, Hamilton, Bazile and many other brands in the Lemania1873 based on the development of their own timing series line.
In 1978, Lemania launched the automatic chronograph movement 5100. This movement cost-effective, easy to produce, until 2000 years or so to stop production, become a lot of popular brand development timing of the best choice of the product line (the following chart for the table friends to collect and collate a number of love tables based on 5100).
Ssih in the early 80 due to the industry crisis, the Lemania stake sold to the enterprise management, change as Nouvelle (French: New) Lemania company, since this drift away from the "system" for 10 years. 1982, Nouvelle Lemania and the Earl of the company acquired the pdecessor of the Heuer Heuer, opened two of the short honeymoon period, during which the Lemania movement in the product line about 80% Hao Jas has been widely used, this period of Hao Heuer also became a separate category of the collection-Heuer Clemania. At the same time,
There are also a lot of Heuer's watches in the name of Lemania brand large-scale production. In 1985, Heuer's stake was sold to a companies from the Middle East Investment company tag, terminated the close cooperation with Lemania, but also laid down the now Jong-Tag Heuer brand of the birth. Later Heuer was also included in the LVMH group, which is something. Just over three years of cooperation, leaving some classic products, this Audi sports sedan customized version of the Carrera, is in the 5100 movement developed, Lemania and Heuer respectively made a products, but the 12-point position of the 24-hour dial to remove.
Investcorp, the Middle East Investment company, bought the Breguet brand from the French government in 1987 and restructured it into a Breguet watchmaking group (GHB). By 1992 years, GHB has also wholly invested in the acquisition of Nouvelle Lemania. In 1999, Swatch Group wholly invested in GHB, which made Lemania a company under the Swatch Group. Swatch Group then chairman Nicholas Hayek put some of Lemania's low-end product line into the ETA system, no longer to Swatch Group outside the supply, such as Lemania5100 has changed to ETA C01.211, is currently dedicated to the brand of the sports table. Lemania's high-end product line becomes part of the Manufacture Breguet (Breguet), becoming the internal movement Research and Development Department of the Breguet brand.